Resource Guide
On Private Health Insurance Coverage & The Health Insurance Marketplace
FAQs tagged with “Special Enrollment Period”
- Can I buy or change private health plan coverage outside of open enrollment?
- Can I buy or change private health plan coverage outside of open enrollment?
- Does pregnancy trigger a special enrollment opportunity to buy or change coverage?
- Due to a natural disaster, I no longer have access to documents I need to verify my eligibility for a special enrollment period, and won’t make the Marketplace’s 30-day deadline to submit them. What should I do?
- I am an American Indian. When can I enroll in a Marketplace plan?
- I currently have a bronze-level marketplace plan, and am eligible for a special enrollment period. Can I change into a silver-level plan?
- I have a new Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA) from my small employer. Can I use it to enroll in coverage if it is outside of Open Enrollment?
- I have been diagnosed with a serious health condition and will be obtaining care from an out-of-state hospital. During my course of treatment I’ll be living near the hospital. Can I qualify for a special enrollment period based on this temporary “move”?
- I have Marketplace coverage and just had a baby. Can I change plans?
- I just got a promotion and no longer qualify for premium tax credits. Can I drop my current plan and buy a new one even though it’s outside the open enrollment period? Can I buy a plan outside the health insurance marketplace?
- I just got married and my spouse and I want to get Marketplace coverage. Do we qualify for a special enrollment period?
- I just learned my primary care doctor is not in the plan’s network. Can I change plans?
- I qualified for cost-sharing reduction subsidies when I signed up for coverage in the Marketplace. I’m getting more hours at work and might not qualify anymore. Will I have to change plans now and get a new deductible and out-of-pocket cap?
- I signed up for a bronze plan with a high deductible during open enrollment. Now, six months later, I need surgery and would rather be in a different plan with a lower deductible. Can I change plans?
- I signed up for a Marketplace plan through a special enrollment period in July. Do I still have to renew my plan during the open enrollment period?
- I’m 24 and I used to be covered as a dependent on my parent’s policy through an employer. I dropped off last year when I found other coverage, but now I’ve lost that other coverage and want to get back on my parent’s policy. Can I do that?
- I’m a college student and will be going to an out-of-state university. Can I qualify for a special enrollment period to sign up for a new plan in the state where I’ll be going to school?
- I’m a seasonal worker and spend 4 months of the year in a different state. Can I get a special enrollment opportunity to sign up for a new plan during the time I’m in that state?
- I’m covered on my parent’s policy now, but my 26th birthday is next summer, and I won’t be eligible for dependent coverage any longer. Should I apply for Marketplace health plans and subsidies now, during open enrollment?
- I’m leaving my job and will be eligible for COBRA. Can I shop for coverage and subsidies on the Marketplace instead?
- I’m losing my job-based coverage and have been given the option to sign up for COBRA. What are the pros and cons of doing that?
- I’m not going to be able to sign up for 2024 coverage during this year’s open enrollment because my home was damaged in a natural disaster. But I’m hoping I’ll be able to return to my home by early next year. Can I sign up for coverage then?
- My hours at work were cut and I no longer qualify for my employer’s plan. Do I have to wait until the open enrollment period to sign up for an individual plan?
- My hours at work were cut back and I no longer qualify for my employer’s health plan. I’ve been offered COBRA but it’s too expensive. Can I shop for coverage and subsidies on the Marketplace instead?
- My husband and I are retired and spend 6 months of the year in Florida. Can we get a special enrollment opportunity to enroll in a new plan when we move to Florida, even though we’ll only be there for half the year?
- My income has gone down and I think I may now qualify for cost-sharing reduction subsidies in the health insurance Marketplace. Do I have to wait for an open enrollment period before I can enroll?
- My income has gone down and I think I may now qualify for premium tax credits in the health insurance Marketplace. Do I have to wait for an open enrollment period before I can enroll?
- There’s only one Marketplace insurer in my area. What happens if that insurer leaves the Marketplace?
- We just had a baby. Before that my husband and I were each covered under our own health plans at our own jobs, but now we want the family covered under one policy. Can we all switch to my employer plan now?
- We just had a baby. Can I add my baby to my family plan?
- What happens if my Marketplace insurer decides to discontinue its health plans on the Marketplace?
- What if I sign up for a plan and change my mind? Can I switch my plan during open enrollment?
- When can I add family members to my employer plan?
- When can I enroll in my employer plan?
- When can I enroll in my small employer plan?