Resource Guide
On Private Health Insurance Coverage & The Health Insurance Marketplace
FAQs tagged with “Small Business”
- I got this notice that says I can renew my insurance plan, which I've had since 2013. Should I renew? What are the benefits and disadvantages of doing that?
- I have 47 employees and I’m trying to decide if I should hire more. What are the implications if I have more than 50 employees?
- I have a new Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA) from my small employer. Can I use it to enroll in coverage if it is outside of Open Enrollment?
- I run a small business (less than 50 employees) with a mix of full-time and part-time workers. Am I required to offer coverage?
- I want to buy SHOP coverage. Can my employees pick their own plan?
- I work for a small business and I smoke. Will my company be charged more because of me?
- I work for a small business. My employer has offered me a Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA), with money to buy health insurance on my own. What are my options?
- I work full time for a small business (fewer than 50 employees). Does my employer have to offer me health benefits?
- I’m a small business owner. Can I qualify for a tax credit to buy insurance?
- I’m going to buy SHOP coverage. When can I enroll?
- I’m interested in SHOP coverage but there aren’t any participating insurers in my area. Can I still get SHOP coverage, and can I still get the tax credit?
- I’m self-employed and the only employee I have is my adult child. What are my options?
- I’m self-employed and the only employee I have is my spouse. What are my options?
- I’ve heard that instead of offering a group health plan, I can offer my employees a “Health Reimbursement Arrangement” (HRA). What are these and should I offer them?
- I’ve heard there is a tax credit if my employer buys SHOP coverage. Can I get it?
- If I offer coverage to my employees, is there a minimum requirement for what I must contribute to the cost of my employees’ premiums?
- If I offer coverage, is there a minimum threshold for the number of employees that must enroll?
- My employer just told us we are enrolling in “SHOP” coverage. What is SHOP coverage?
- The company I work for is buying SHOP coverage. Can I choose any plan I want?
- When can I enroll in my small employer plan?